We are a Wexford based company which specialises in septic tank emptying and sludge disposal.
We have over 35 years experience in the collection and licensed disposal of all types of sludges.
We cater for one-off domestic houses, house clusters, schools, nursing homes, caravan parks and the food industry.
Percolation repairs and installations have also become a part of our business in recent years.
Waste water leaves the house via drains and the septic tanks allows the solids to settle from the liquids and then the liquid can drain away to the soak pit area. The heavy solids (sewage sludge) sink to the bottom of the tank and this builds up over time. In order for your septic tank to work efficiently you will need to de-sludge your tank on a regular basis. This will keep all your drains clear, stop the solids escaping to your soak pit area and keep all unpleasant odours away.
When it comes to emptying your septic tank we specialize in understanding the needs of our customers. We will arrive at an agreed date and time to empty your tank. We understand the importance of emptying your tank with the minimum of disruption to you and your property. We use tractor and vacuum tankers to empty the tanks as these are very manoeuvrable in confined spaces and are very tarmac friendly. We have over 45 metres of hosing and wide low ground pressure tyres in order reach even the most remote of tanks and preserve lawns and tarmacadam.
All the sewage sludge is taken to our own permitted site for storage and pre treatment before going on for further licenced disposal. Details of our Waste Collection Permit and disposal route are available at any time which will assure you that everything is carried out in a correct, legal and environmentally friendly way.
In our opinion we would recommend that you de-sludge your tank on a regular basis, all according to the amount of people that live in your house. Most standard tanks with a normal family will need to be done at least every two years. We can empty your tank as a one-off job or organize to remind you when we feel it needs to be done again.
The percolation area is below ground level. This is where the final waste water extracted from the septic tank travels for further treatment.
Environmental Protection Agency
Percolation failure is generally first noticed when toilets start to slow down when they are flushed. The pipes between the house and the septic tank might start to overflow and block up.
One of the main causes of the failure can be due to the septic tank not having been emptied often enough in the past. Another reason is due to the wrong installation of the percolation area initially. Older types of soak pits can also fail with age.
We can do a site visit and check the current percolation system for blockages. If it is damaged, we can carry out tests to see if the ground is suitable for a new percolation system. If this is viable solution, we can provide a quote for the installation of a new percolation area, adhering to the EPA guidelines.
Contact: Irvin Rothwell
Mobile: 087 2588325
Email: rothwellcontracting@gmail.com
Ballyeaton,WCP Permit Number: